national-socialist|national socialist in English

Nazi, member of the German Nazi party

Use "national-socialist|national socialist" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "national-socialist|national socialist" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "national-socialist|national socialist", or refer to the context using the word "national-socialist|national socialist" in the English Dictionary.

1. Are you a dedicated National Socialist, Major?

2. "Blood and soil" was a key slogan of National Socialist (Nazi) ideology.

3. The argumentum ad Baculum played an important role in National Socialist education

4. What does Brownshirt mean? A uniformed member of the German National Socialist Party (NSDAP)

5. The conference had the theme “Repression and Self-Assertion: Jehovah’s Witnesses Under the National Socialist and Communist Dictatorships.”

6. The mass demonstrations demanded his resignation, the abrogation of the socialist constitution, a national conference and a new constitution.

7. The only form of constitutional arrangements which socialist states took seriously after 1917 were formulas for national federation and autonomy.

8. The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1968-1990) was a federal socialist republic and a satellite state of the Soviet Union.The creation of the Czech Socialist Republic and the Slovak Socialist Republic was a result of the Prague Spring

9. Kornai, János: The Socialist System.

10. A socialist, but still good.

11. She is a dedicated socialist.

12. Part four: Build the socialist constitutionalism with Chinese characteristics; advance the development of socialist political civilization.

13. Commie - a socialist who advocates communism

14. 5 She is a dedicated socialist.

15. South Yemen developed as a Marxist, mostly secular society ruled first by the National Liberation Front, which later morphed into the ruling Yemeni Socialist Party.

16. You're KIDDING Only An American Socialist Could Enjoy The Capitalist Lifestyle While Praising Breadlines In Socialist Countries #CollectivismKills

17. The economic calculation problem is a criticism of socialist economics or, more precisely, of centralized socialist planned economies.

18. During the new historic period, Deng Xiaoping advanced the principle to develop socialist democracy and perfect socialist legality, provided a bright light for the construction of socialist democracy.

19. He's still a socialist at heart.

20. The Socialist candidate was heckled continuously.

21. His father was an ardent socialist.

22. The Socialist response was a general strike.

23. 26 On the national scale, China also follows the phasic rule in the course of urbanization with the establishment of the socialist mar- ket economy system.

24. Article 12 Socialist public property is inviolable.

25. Socialist public property is sacred and inviolable.